We are new to this blog thing but trying to get a handle on it so be patient with us.
Our first message is that conspiracy theories are for the most part conspiracy TRUTHS, but most people have a mental block which will not let them believe that everything they have been taught to believe about the government and big corporations is a lie.
We have worked with top level gov and corporate business in various countries for years and know the system. It is not what the mainstream media portrays.We have worked with the top news agencies and know how they are completely controlled by the gov and corporate system...IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY, PERIOD.
First of all, forget everything you see and read in the major news medias. These people not only do not have a clue about reality but come on tv and write editorials about things they have no experience in whatsoever...I will elaborate on this as time permits.
Rather than try to pick every journalist who is writing or delivering the news apart on a personal basis I will just say this...IF YOU SEE A NEWS STORY AND WANT TO TAKE THE SPIN OFF IT, UN-SPIN THE NEWS, JUST SEND US THE STORY...WE WILL TEL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT IT.
We have researched the various alternative media web sites for over 7 years and most are honestly trying to tell you the truth as they see it but few actually have the hands on, in the trenches experience which we have.
more tomorrow/